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New 4-Week Programming Focus

The last 3 weeks were a blast! We geared back into a strength cycle and slowly ramped up the volume — training never felt so good! The main focus over the last 3 weeks in both strength and conditioning was to carefully reintroduce you back to volume and intensity. We started with low volume tempo work for our strength movements, and we kept the conditioning efforts at a moderate volume and moderate intensity. As the weeks went on, we adjusted the tempos and by the end of the month we had you completing bigger sets with shorter tempos or completing an accessory movement immediately following a strength movement. We also took the conditioning efforts from, “oh that’s not too bad,” to “wait, I’m doing how many reps?”

Over the next 4 weeks, the strength is going to be focused around the Power Clean. We are going to be practicing some form or complex of the Power Clean twice a week! There will be one day dedicated towards skill work and a “heavy” day where everyone can put those skills to practice! We will be transitioning back to building the Back Squat to give the front rack a rest since we will be hitting that position with the Power Clean twice a week. We will also be levelling up the Push Press to the Push Jerk!. In our strength sessions, we will be working with different lengths of EMOMS to maximize our time (as opposed to keeping it more open ended) and give us the opportunity to throw some long grind style workouts into the mix! The next 4 weeks is going to be a good mix of raw strength and skill and no doubt it’s going to be a blast from start to finish.

If you’re just starting to get back in the gym, or you’re new to the gym, no problem!  Your coaches will help you make adjustments to ensure the intensity and challenge match your fitness level and experience level.  

If you’re ready to come back or you’re interested in starting with us for the first time, email karolina@416fitnessclub.com.


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