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6-Week Quarantine Training Cycle


Just because we’re stuck at home, doesn’t mean that we can’t build a programming cycle to improve our fitness!  Starting Monday, we are going to set the stage for the next 6 weeks.

Goal: Bring CrossFit to the comfort of your own home with limited equipment and space. Get outside at 1-2x a week for some running and fresh air!


Movements of focus will be Squat, Floor Press, Bulgarian Split Squat and Handstands. Get ready to bite down and dig deep as we test for MAX REPS. Also on the testing roster: 2 conditioning tests. Your goal throughout the 4 weeks of training is to increase your capacity in these movements.


Due to limited resources that we may have – we will be taking advantage of tempo work! Intentionally slowing down movement under load will help work your posture and position, mechanics, control and absolute strength. Try and get creative week to week by finding ways to add weight to your movements (ie. extra book, double loaded backpack etc). Learning how to lift odd objects will also challenge your body to grip and stabilize in different ways


You will still get your daily dose of high intensity conditioning with varied time domains! All workouts have the ability to be completed in smaller areas with a single weight/backpack/bodyweight.


This is the perfect time to be working on our inverted work…all you need is a wall! You will find Handstand skill and strength work throughout the week, time to work on weaknesses!


You will enjoy a daily cashout of accessory movements that compliment the session as well as help balance out core instabilities, prioritize healthy back and shoulders, as well as the favourite arm pump 😉

Following a program and setting goals helps us stay focused in all situations. This is the perfect opportunity to stay connected with your tribe and find joys being able to stay happy and healthy. Miss our group class and working out with your friends? Make sure you join us on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for our LIVE ZOOM sessions!


Free Intro

Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.

fill out the form below to get started!

Take the first step towards getting the results you want!
You will be meeting with one of our expert coaches in person at our facility.

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