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Spring CLEAN’ing (…get it..?!)

Hey 416 Crew!

The last 8 weeks were wild! 416 League has come and gone. We’re all breathing a little easier thanks to our breathe work challenge, and we saw a tonne of PR’s during test week!

We’ve got a lot going on as we lead into summer 2024 including our 3’rd edition of Baseline, RED’s month, and Murph! We’re going to ride this momentum into our next Programming focus, buckle up!

Here’s what you can expect to spend some time on:

We spent a lot of time over the last 8 weeks working on our front squat, with some volume focus on challenging the front frack position. We’re going to transition that new found strength into building our strength and capacity in the Thruster. The Thruster combines strength, power and technique and provides huge benefits to our overall fitness. To build our thruster, we’re going to see a combination of max effort days and complexes create time under tension in different positions.

We’re testing our 5RM deadlift. The Deadlift is a pure expression of strength, and at the higher rep range of 5, this will challenge your lat and core stability, as well as your grip strength. This is a staple lift in our programming, and during the next 8 weeks, you’ll see a combination of max effort days in high a low rep ranges, as well as volume days mixed into the WODs.

Clean (Squat Clean)
We’ve focused a lot on the power version of this movement, but with our new found strength in the front squat, it’s time to transition to the full version of the lift. The clean is a favourite for a lot of people, as it requires technique, accuracy, strength and power! Like the thruster, we’re going to build our clean with a combination of max effort days hitting 5’s, 3’s, and 1’s, but also with complexes to challenge the different positions in the lift and add a little fatigue before the main lift.

Pull-up (Weighted)
One of the most common goals is increasing capacity in pull-ups. We’re going to spend dedicated time on building this movement through load, time under tension, and volume. Whether your goal is achieving your first ever strict pull-up or adding 45lbs to the movement, get ready to make some real progress!

Handstand Push-ups
Expect lots of practice in this movement, whether you’re trying to get upside down for the first time, or trying to string together 20 reps you’ll get some time to work on positioning, strength, stability and volume to develop your Handstand Push-up

Accessory/Unilateral Work
Sundays will be spent working on unilateral and accessory work. Fixing imbalances should never take a back seat. Don’t hide on these days. Finding and eliminating your weaknesses is the magic in improving fitness. Included in these days will be tempo and rotation work. Plus you’ll walk out with a little extra pump in your “show muscles”.

We’ve got some very challenging WOD’s coming up that will have a focus on intensity and building stamina in our lifts. Wednesdays you will see longer WOD’s, up in the 18-25 min range including our test WOD “The Ghost”. As we move into May, we’ll be completing Hero WOD’s every Saturday to honour REDs month. This will include our annual “Murph” event on May long weekend.

The next 8 weeks promises to be challenging, yet very rewarding! Make sure you lean into your coaches to help you along the way. If you’re looking to re-establish some goals, make sure you book a Member Check-in with Megs.


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