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Guide to 416 Fitness Club Memberships

When it comes to health and fitness goals, everyone is different! Our method at 416 Fitness Club is centered around ensuring that every member is receiving the coaching and support that they need for their individual goals. 

Your fitness background, timeline, schedule, current habits, and season of life, are some important factors when considering which approach is best for you. Your goals may change throughout your journey, which is totally normal! You may also find that you need more or less accountability at certain points – also totally normal! At the end of the day, prioritizing your fitness goals means being honest with yourself about how much you can take on, and understanding what type of coaching is best for you. 

We are committed to your long term success!

Check-ins with our client success managers are key to make sure you’re staying on track and making any changes you need to be successful 🙂 

To help you better understand what membership option is best for you, we have outlined our membership types below:

Personal Training 

Personal training is the most hands-on membership we offer. When you choose personal training, you’ll be working 1-on-1 with one of our incredible coaches, who create and coach you through a custom workout program designed specifically for you. Programming, coaching style, and progress measurement are all individualized. This membership is ideal for you if you have a very busy lifestyle, find yourself struggling to stay consistent and accountable to a workout schedule, and/or have specific physique goals. If you find fitness overwhelming and need someone to guide you to your goals so that you can focus mental energy on other areas of your life, this is also the best fit. You show up for your sessions booked around your unique schedule, and the rest is taken care of. Due to the personalized nature of this program, you can generally expect to see results quickest, and feel most supported. 

Hybrid memberships

Hybrid memberships are our most common membership, because they include a balance of individual and group training that allows members to thrive in a class environment while also receiving 1-on-1 support and coaching. With this membership, you can choose a customized combination of a number of group classes and personal training sessions. For example, you may choose to do 13 group classes per month, and see your coach for a session twice a month for an hour. During the individual sessions, your coach will help you make significant progress on any lifts, skills, movements, and/or help you uncover areas of weakness and how to fix them correctly. Feeling pain in your back? Finding yourself unable to PR a certain lift? Stuck trying a skill like double-unders or muscle-ups with little success? Repeatedly trying on your own or avoiding pain points will ultimately lead you to injury or burn out. Lastly, hybrid memberships keep you accountable to your goals. Consistency is the most important factor in long term success with weight loss, muscle gains, and building a healthier lifestyle. No matter who you are, you’ll inevitably experience periods of low motivation and getting to the gym slips down your priority list. Having individual checkpoints with your coach keep you on track even through the busiest months, when you need that extra support. 

Group Class Memberships

Our group class memberships include coached CrossFit classes without supplemental individual training. This membership is best for busy months when your target is to stay active and get in as many workouts as possible despite a packed schedule. Consistently attending classes is key, especially because the programming builds upon itself. Our classes follow a strength and conditioning style structure, with CrossFit the methodology behind our programming. Functional fitness is constantly varied with a mix of low and high skill movements.  Developing proficiency in these movements is very important if you’re not supplementing with individual coaching. You might find yourself making great progress on this membership in certain seasons, and when you’re ready to level up your fitness by learning new skills, pushing past a training plateau, or need more accountability, switching to a hybrid membership. 


Free Intro

Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.

fill out the form below to get started!

Take the first step towards getting the results you want!
You will be meeting with one of our expert coaches in person at our facility.

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