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NEW Fall Programming Cycle

As we dive into fall, we’re also moving into a new training cycle!

We are crazy impressed with all the incredible progress our members are making. Our last training cycle ended in a week of amazing results. We saw some heavy squat PRs, improved toes to bar, and much faster test WOD times!!

Next week, starting Monday September 27th, we kick off a new Programming Cycle. Yes, that does mean testing! All week long we will be creating some baselines to help move you through the 6 week cycle. 

The first and main focus is going to be our strength cycle that will focus around our 10-Rep Front Squat, Strict Press, and Deadlift. For a lot of us 10-Rep tests can be intimidating and you might not really know how to make jumps/ load the bar to get close to something truly heavy (for you!) The next 6 weeks you will be working a lot of volume in your strength sessions to build confidence with heavier loads to set you up for the retest the week of November 1st!

Other notable and exciting things coming your way, Hang Power Snatch focus, Pull Up work to improve this much sought after skill. Remember, consistency will be key for you to see the results your want. So be sure to plan your workouts for the week accordingly.

We can’t wait to dig into this new cycle and continue building on all the fitness you are gaining! 

416 Fitness Club Team


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