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Late Spring Cycle

This week’s testing has been absolutely crazy. We have seen so many personal bests and so many wins on better form and execution of reps. You have some very proud Coaches!( And we are not even done yet!)

As we now enter May and this programming cycle ends so another will begin. I bet you are all wondering what is on the horizon! Starting May 8th we will begin a new cycle that will last until the week of June 26th (8 Weeks). 

Want to know more, keep reading and get all the juicy details…

Here is a table summarizing pieces you will see weekly over this cycle: 

Strength / Skill Metcon Extra Credit
Front Squat 3RM High power metcons Quad and Hamstring  Strength
Mixed Gymnastics Skill  Progressions *TTB, Pull-up,  HSModerate time domains with  a quality focus“FLEXtra” Credit: Shoulders, Triceps, & HSPU  Strength Focus
Deadlift High variance workouts with  a lot of intervals Posterior Chain Support
Mixed Skill  Progressions *Jump Rope,  V-Ups, Row DrillsLow mechanical stress  workouts with lower  intensity and longer time  domains
Oly Drills *Snatch/Clean and jerk with  Pauses, PullsShorter metcons Strict Pull up progressions
Rollover Strength: This is going to rotate based  on what has been covered  in the week. Typically a mix  of unilateral strength work,  like single arm rows, hinges,  lunges, & squats.Partner Workout *We will vary the format  from week to week to give  a different feel to each  Saturday
– Make Up Missed Day or  Recovery Work 


We’ll have 2 main targets in our strength progressions. The first is a 3 rep max front squat. (Which you just tested!) Over this cycle you will look to maximize your intensity each session relative to your state of readiness! We will also hit some unilateral work!

The other strength focus will remain with the deadlift. We will be hitting deadlift with a bit of Wendler Style. 3 tough weeks, back off and then 3 more tough weeks and another test!

Weekly you will see a mix of Snatch and Clean and Jerk with a technical focus  to give everyone the chance to really dial in their movement and positions this  cycle. 


Weekly will bring a mix of gymnastics progressions for movements like toes  to bar, pull-ups, v-ups, and handstand holds. We’ll include multiple  options to cater to members of all levels.  

Weekly we will focus on stroke development and technique on the rower as well as jump rope skill for movements like double unders.

As mentioned in the strength block, we’ll train the olympic lifts. You can  expect to see pauses & positional drills as well as shorter time domain met-cons on  these days to ensure that your coaches can maximize the time spent teaching the oly lifts and not feel rushed through the training day. 


We will have two test/re-test metcons for this cycle. The first is going to be a test  of gymnastics strength-endurance with wall walks, strict ring rows and kettlebell  swings. The next is a workout with row buy in to max burpees to target. The goal  of this cycle is going to be to have you develop power endurance and pacing  awareness throughout the cycle so that we can improve upon this in week 7.

Sounds pretty awesome doesn’t it! 

What else is happening in May?

May has already started and we can’t wait to sweat together during the Hero WODs with YOU! CrossFit Hero WOD’s are to help honour the brave men and woman who have served our amazing country.  

These WOD’s provide both a physical and mental challenge.  Completing one is an amazing feat.  Completing five on consecutive weeks is a great accomplishment, and tribute to those who have served us. All the HERO WOD’s we have chosen are Canadian Hero’s except ‘MURPH’ which is an American Hero and potentially the most recognized HERO WOD globally.

Do not miss out! Every Saturday in our Box:

May 6th – Hero WOD “NUTTS”

May 13th – Hero WOD “Wilmont”

May 27th – Hero WOD “Ship”

June 3rd – Hero WOD “Bulger”

On May 14th – Mother’s Day! DO NOT forget to spend some time with your family and loved ones 😉 

May has come with some rainy weather, but soon we will able to enjoy sunshine and warmth! Get ready to spend some time with your 416 Fam on May 22nd as we take on one of CrossFit’s most recognized Hero WODs – MURPH! Stick around and socialize after (more details coming)! 

Let’s start May strong and crush it together!

Have Questions?

Email us at info@416fitnessclub.com


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